2022 TTA Officers

President: Carol Pillsworth

Treasurer/Membership Chair: Mary Ellen Dirolf

Past President/Administrative Assistant: Angie Urdanoff

Web Master: Alex Urdanoff


Have a question or comment? Contact us at troytennisassoc@gmail.com


Troy Tennis Association is always looking for volunteers and board members. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about the responsibilities involved, please see a current Board member for information. Officer duties are as follows:

Duties of Officers as stated in By-Laws

President shall:
a. schedule, prepare an agenda, and preside over all Executive Board meetings
b. propose the annual schedule of activities and present a draft of the annual newsletter to the Executive Board
c. act as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Troy and to the mayor of Troy and other organizations connected to Prospect Park
d. review annual liability insurance coverage and forward bill to Treasurer for payment
e. issue checks for the Association in the absence of the Treasurer
f. hire instructional personnel in consultation with the Board
g. appoint chairpersons and representatives as needed
h. remain on the Executive Board for one (1) year after her/his term of office
i. preside at the Annual Membership meetings.

Vice-President shall:
a. preside over Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President
b. chair nominating committee
c. present the slate of candidates to the general membership for approval
d. organize, develop, and disseminate information on various tennis programs and social activities.

Membership Coordinator shall:
a. print, collate, and mail annual membership information
b. collect and record all paid memberships
c. transfer all monies to the Treasurer in a timely manner
d. update and maintain membership information throughout the season, including email, address file, and paid member lists
e. submit monthly reports to the President from May 1-September 1.

Treasurer shall:
a. assist the President in the preparation of the annual budget and will present the projected budget to the Executive Board
b. receive all monies due the Association and deposit them in an account in the name of Troy Tennis Association
c. pay bills approved by the President and/or Executive Board
d. submit a monthly financial report to the Board from May1-September 1
e. present a detailed report at each Executive Board meeting.

Secretary shall:
a. Record and promptly distribute the minutes of the Executive Board meetings to the Board members (no later than three (3) weeks after the date of the meetings)
b. Prepare and mail correspondence as requested
c. Assist the President and Membership Coordinator as needed